Darbaan is a Hindi Language Drama Film Directed by Bipin Nadkarni. Darbaan movie story is based on the short story written by Rabindra Nath Tagore. follows the life of a caretaker whose life is disturbed due to a single act of carelessness. The film was to be released in cinemas on 3 April 2020 but postponed due to COVID-19. Now the makers have decided to launch the film on the Zee5 digital platform on 4th Dec. 2020
Darbaan movie cast includes Sharib Hashmi, Sharad Kelkar, Rasika Dugal, Flora Saini in the lead roles.
Darbaan Zee5 Film Details
Title | Darbaan |
Cast | Sharib Hashmi, Sharad Kelkar, Rasika Dugal, Flora Saini, Harsh Chhaya |
Genre | Drama |
Writer | Radhika Anand, Rakesh Jadhav, Bipin Nadkarni |
Director | Bipin Nadkarni |
Producer | Bipin Nadkarni |
Release Date | 4th Dec. 2020 |
Available On | Zee5 App |
Darbaan Zee5 Film Cast
Sharib Hashmi
Sharad Kelkar
Rasika Dugal
Flora Saini
Harsh Chhaya
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