It is the latest romantic drama series directed by Suyash Vadhavkar and created by Vikas Gupta. The series will be streamed online on ALT Balaji. Watch all the latest episodes of Puncch Beat Season 2 web series from June 27. It features Priyanka Sharma, Harshita Gaur, Siddharth Sharma in lead roles.
Actor Samyukta Hegde will be joining the cast this season and looks like she will play a fierce role in Punch Beat 2. The story of the series takes you to the mixed emotions and drama of love, friendships, rivalries between school students. Watch the complete episodes of Punch Beat Series on ALT Balaji.
The teaser starts off on a positive note and we see Divyanka and Rahat’s love story, but then there’s also tension between him and Padmini and his rivalry with Ranbir is nowhere finished. Between all these things, the police show up at Rosewood High for an investigation. The incident has to do with a freshers party at the college. Will the second season become a murder mystery?
Puncch Beat Season 2 Web Series Details
Title | Puncch Beat Season 2 |
Cast | Priyank Sharma, Siddharth Sharma, Harshita Gaur, Samyuktha Hegde, Khushi Joshi, Nikhil Bhambri, Samir Soni, Niki Walia, Kajol Tyagi, Sindhuja Turlapati, Urfi, Rana Rushad, Poppy Jabbal, Kasturi Banerjjee, Mrinmai Kolwalkar |
Genre | Drama |
Type | Web Series |
Creator | Vikash Gupta |
Director | Suyash Vadhavkar |
Release Date | 27 June 2021 |
Online Video Platfrom | AltBalaji |
Language | Hindi |